
Company Policies

Total Trading and Contracting W.L.L. is committed to High Quality Construction Activities by operating within the limits of the International and Local Laws, upholding safe Working Practices and maintaining good working environment as well as encouraging the use of Local Personnel to achieve optimum results.

Total Trading and Contracting W.L.L. will achieve these by:

  • Adequately improving technical ‘know how’ and Economic Empowerment of the Employees.

  • Ensuring that Client’s Requirements are satisfied.

  • Providing for the people a safe workplace, preserving the environment, maintain good medical facilities and training of the personnel.

  • Maintaining a good relationship with project host communities through effective communication channels, implementation of their procedures for the hiring of host community personnel and rapid response to community complaints.

  • Promoting and maintaining adequate security systems at all base/site locations for its Personnel, Client, Sub-contractors and other Associates.

  • Ensuring that the same High-Quality Services the Company gives to Clients are reflected in the activities of its Personnel, Suppliers and Sub-Contractors.


Total Trading and Contracting W.L.L. is dedicated to providing quality products and services satisfying the needs and expectations of each customer with a creative, self-motivated and dedicated team united under a rewarding and healthy environment ensuring continual improvement, with a view to establishing lasting social, economic and environmental sustainability.


  • Total Trading and Contracting W.L.L. is committed to meet customer requirements and needs, thereby, increasing customer satisfaction through continual improvement of its products, services, established management system objectives and the Integrated Management System.

  • Total Trading and Contracting W.L.L. maintains Health, Safety and Environmental Management System to facilitate the reduction of the impact/risk and hazards associated with its operations, activities, products, and services within the framework of our Environmental Management System we commit to.

  • Identify materials, processes, products that cause or may cause harm, to the environment and will implement measures to avoid, reduce or control pollution, waste and noise whose impacts and risks where technically and economically viable.

  • Comply with applicable health and safety, environmental laws, regulations, codes of practice, and other requirements to which we subscribe.

  • To achieve and maintain compliance, we will develop and maintain an environmental, health and safety management system for identifying relevant requirements and for monitoring performance of related activities.

  • Continually enhance and improve the Health, Safety and Environmental Management System to ensure that it is appropriate and effective for helping us achieve our environmental goals.

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